Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gossip Girl Season Finale Teaser!!

Bagi yg suka Gossip Girl dan yg suka Chuck&Blair, kayanya sih season finale-nya bakalan seru nih!!
Ga tau sih gw kapan ditayanginnya..
Yang jelas gw nemu ini!!

Will the upcoming season finale shape up just like last year's, or will the outcome be markedly different? And will we ever meet the mysterious, vanishing love child?

Below are excerpts from E! Online's spoiler Q&A this morning ...

Q: I need to know if Chuck and Blair are ever going to work things out on Gossip Girl!

A: We can promise that this year's Gossip Girl finale is not going to be a repeat of last year's disaster: This time around, Chuck does not screw over Blair.

In fact, we can promise that if you love Chuck and Blair, you will love the finale, and you will be compensated for all your pain and suffering this past year.

Q: What's the deal with Rufus Humphrey and Lily van der Woodsen on Gossip Girl? Are they going to move in together or what?

A: That's all going to feel very secondary after the Gossip Girl finale, when we will meet (finally) the spawn of Rufus and Lily.



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