Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just saying..

I hate that everyday I always go to the office and not working.
Sometimes I wanna say "damn I'm working tomorrow" and not "damn I'm going to the office tomorrow".

Just saying..
Monday, April 5, 2010

My Stuff #1

Tadi malam waktu gw lagi jalan-jalan di PIM, gw lagi ngeliat ke arah sepatu gw dan gw mikir, sepatu ini udah lama banget umurnya tapi gw masih suka banget makenya. Dan kayak di film-film otak gw memutar kembali film-film memori lama bersama sepatu ini. Dan terbesitnya suatu keinginan, pengen nulis di blog tentang barang-barang favorit gw atau yg mempunyai makna atau mempunyai kenangan indah.

Dan sekarang yang mau gw bahas tentunya sepatu yang bikin gw terinspirasi ini.

Sepatu ini umurnya kira-kira udah 5 tahun. Gw beli di Vincci waktu lagi jalan-jalan ke KL tahun 2005. Gw langsung jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama waktu liat sepatu itu di toko trus pas udah balik ke Jakarta sepatu itu pun jadi favorit gw semasa baru masuk kuliah semester 1. Dari mulai makenya disayang-sayang banget, sampe kadang-kadang ada musibah misalnya kesandung atau nyangkut apa gitu yang bikin motek-moteknya jadi copot satu persatu. Pokoknya gw sayang banget deh sama sepatu ini. Sampailah pada suatu ketika pas lagi mau praktek di lab, gw harus pindah kampus dengan berjalan kaki, tapi lagi ujan gede banget trus lagi mau kuis atau apalah gitu sehingga gw harus masuk. Akhirnya sewa ojek payung dong.. eh pas udah ngambil payungnya gw mikir, idih idih sepatu gw kan bahannya beludru kalo gw ujan-ujanin mau jadi apaaaaaa.. akhirnya gw minjem sandal si tukang ojek payungnya itu dan gw rela deh nenteng sepatu gw demi kelangsungan hidup sepatu ini. Hehehehe. Sampe sekarang sepatu ini masih gw pake, walaupun kadang-kadang terlupakan, tapi dia akan selalu ada di hati gw.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Everytime i hear this song it reminds me about my boyfriend, how excited he was when he sang this song in the car and i always laugh when i hear the lyrics. Well, it's for you my dearest boyfriend hihihi..

You can look for the video in youtube,, i can't embed it here because it's disabled. Enjoy..

I've been thinking about you, my love
And all the crazy things that you put me through
Now I'm coming around, Throwing it back to you
Were you thinking of me when you kissed him
Could you taste me when you licked his skin
All the while I showered you with trust and promises
What I'm needing now is some sweet revenge
To get back all that I lost then
I gave you all I had to give, but I could never reach you

Adrienne, I thought I knew you
Once again, you used me, used me
Adrienne, I should have left you
Long before you used me, Used me up

Spent my money, drove my car
I treated you like a shining star
But in my sky all burnt out you are
And I'll have the last laugh, when I see you walking with
some other guy
'Cause I know you're gone end up all alone
So take these words, some good advice
All you've done gonna come back twice
You never cared how much it hurt, I really need to tell you


What I'm needing now's some sweet revenge
To get back all that I lost then
I gave you all that I had to give, but I could never reach you


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