Yeay, 2010 is only 2 days away. New year, usually I made a new year resolutions. But not this time, because it would be such a waste of paper since I didn't do what is in the list :D
Anyhooo it's been more than a month since i've written my last post. And I'm just gonna make this post straight-to-the-point.
#whathappensin2009 well that's a long list but I'll make a list based on what I remembered and made me not be able to forget it.
+the process of making thesis, the so-called "sidang pendadaran", and the graduation day
+entered the another-so-called "dunia kerja"
+meet new friends from office
+so many of my family members that passed away
+well there's so many ups and downs, new experiences, that i can't explain it here
But lets call it a year! 2009 gives me so much happiness and trials (read : cobaan) and THANK U ALLAH SWT for all the laugh and tears, anger, dissapointment, EVERYTHING J
I hope 2010 will do me good. My career *blah, my relationship with family, boyfriend, friends, and everyone that related to me, everything went well.
Goodbye 2009, do i have to say it again? YOU'VE BEEN GOOD TO ME. I'm really happy that I left 2009 with bunch of good memories. And well, HELLO 2010, I'm glad i had a chance to meet you (well 2 days more, InsyaAllah)