Thursday, September 10, 2009

One Hell of A Story

Yesterday I decided to stay at home and not going to office, I told one of my office-friend that I have stomachache and couldnt come to the office. And maybe because its Ramadhan Month which is a holy month for all muslims in the world, I got cursed! I dropped my blackberry to closet, ew.. the good thing is I have flushed the closet, sooo the water is clean from poo :P

When I picked up my blackberry from my closet, I see that my bb is still working and then I just pulled out the battery quickly and wiped it with my shirt. Then I blowdry my bb and I left it at home because I wanna go to carrefour. 2 hours later when i'm back at home, I blowdry my bb again, and I tried to turn on my bb. It's working, the LED light flash is on and the screen display the loading symbol, that's a good start. But, the screen begin to fogged up! And what happened next is the keypad O an U kept typing itselves. Arrrgghhh..

And I pulled out the battery again and turn it on, still working, this time I can type my PIN and Facebook notifications starts to come, bbm is working, YM and MSN is working too. I put down the bb for a minute and when I tried to unlock the keypad, it's not working! I don't know why... grrrr...

And I pulled out the battery again and turn it on again, still working, but this time I can't type my PIN, the 1 and 5 number is not working!!! Grrr.. and then I realized why I couldn't unlock the keypad very likely because the * button is not working too!

I talked to one of my friend via YM, she told me to googled it, I wonder why I didn't have that brilliant idea! So, I googled it and found this. The man who wrote that tells us to put our wet bb to rice! It may sounds strange, but somehow I trusted him. So I take a big glass full of rice and put my bb into it. That's a good thing I lived in Indonesia, where rice is our primary food! I left my bb again at home and go to Kemang with my college friends. When i'm back home, I can see that the fog is gone! Amazing! I got a feeling that my bb is fine.

And this morning, before i'm going to office, I bravely turn on my bb.. LED is flashing, the screen display the loading symbol, and the time has come for me to input my PIN.. my heart was pounding, but I made it!! I can type my PIN! Yay! I tried to type all the letter and number to check if it's working. And then I tried to call my bb from my other cellphone, the speaker works! All working! I feel so relieved.

I've learned my lesson, from now I will never bring my blackberry to toilet again! But, if you guys maybe having the same problem with me, trust that guy and me, the rice is so damn works!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

One thing that i will always regret ‘til the day I die

Karena sekarang sedang bulan Ramadhan gw jadi teringat kejadian 5 tahun lalu. Pada saat itu tahun 2004, bulan oktober sekaligus bulan ramadhan. Gw berulang tahun ke 16. Gw ulang tahun pas hari biasa dan ngadain buka bersama di rumah hari sabtunya. Mbah putri masih ada pada saat itu, dia masih nelvon gw ngucapin selamat ulang tahun. Mbah putri udah sakit²an dan nyokap gw tiap hari menempuh perjalanan berangkat pagi² untuk ke Ciputat dan pulang malem² ke Kedoya untuk jagain Mbah. Bokap gw lagi ada di Tanjung Pinang.

Hari sabtu buka bersama berjalan dengan lancar, saya senang, semua senang. Biasanya kalo hari minggu, gw pasti nemenin nyokap ke rumah Mbah. Tapi hari minggu itu gw sama nyokap males²an pergi, karena ngerasa masih kecapean abis buka bersama kemarin, dan berencana untuk ke rumah Mbah agak siangan aja. Sampe akhirnya salah satu Pakde gw nelvon dan bilang kalo mbah gak mau makan. Gw sama nyokap langsung panik, gak mungkin kalo misalnya mbah musti nungguin kita yg masih blm berangkat dari rumah untuk kesana. Nyokap pun nyuruh pakde gw bawa mbah ke RSPI biar sekalian ketemu disana dan gak buang² waktu.

Gw sama nyokap nyampe RSPI duluan, pakde gw belum sampe. Setelah bberapa lama, pakde gw akhirnya dateng, tapi dengan muka yg merah, sepupu gw di dalem mobil udah bercucuran air mata. Gw masih gatau harus ngapain, sampe akhirnya gw liat mbah diangkat ke tempat-tidur-berjalan itu, merem, dan keliatan tidak berdaya. Tangisan gw langsung pecah seketika, gw peluk nyokap gw. Mbah masih dibawa ke ruangan ICU, dipasangin mesin denyut nadi yg gambarnya cuma garis datar dan suaranya cuma satu nada. Gw cuma bisa diem dan nangis di depan Almarhumah Mbah. Nyeseeeeeeelllll banget kenapa gw sama nyokap harus menunda² pergi gw ke rumah Mbah. Seandainya gw lebih cepet dikit, masih bisa ketemu Mbah walaupun itu adalah hari terakhir Dia. Seandainya waktu bisa diulang, gw pengen mengulang hari Minggu itu, dan berangkat dari pagi ke rumah Mbah, dan menikmati detik² terakhir gw sama Mbah.

Gw ga akan pernah lupa semua tentang Mbah, kebiasaannya Dia bersenandung kecil, semua masakan bikinannya yg super lezat, nemenin Mbah nonton sinetron dan kuis², nemenin Mbah duduk di teras sore², and everything.

I miss you Mbah Putri and Mbah Kakung, so bad. I wanna meet you both, although only in my dreams.


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